The Q4-24 NCATC Drop-In is focused on NCATC Strategic Pillar 3: Competency-Based Education (CBE) and Industry-Recognized Credentials (IRCs) for Workforce Development Programs – promising practices and additional needs of our members.
Our time together was spent with four NCATC Board Directors getting the conversation started by briefly highlighting each of their recent best practices articles from the Q4-24 NCATC Digital Newsletter, Vol. 25, No.4 – released on December 11th. Look for it in your inbox or on the NCATC website under “Newsletters”. There is peer-to-peer, free flowing conversation of sharing, listening, learning, asking questions and building a stronger community around this focus area.
The goal is to sustain these problem-solving ideas, relationships built, and conversations beyond our 60-minutes together during our Quarterly Drop-In.
(Recorded 2024.12.12)
NCATC's Q3-24 – Quarterly Drop-In is focused on one of the four Strategic Pillars of Success: Future of Work / Industry 4.0 – Promising Practices and Needs Discussion with Members.
This session features four NCATC Board Directors highlighting recent best practices shared in our Q3 newsletter.
This peer-to-peer conversation is intended to build a stronger community of thought leaders in this NCATC Pillar.
(Recorded 2024.10.03)
NCATC continues to vigorously support and promote the great work and successes for our members piloting, growing, and proving success with the Jobspeaker solutions across the US. On Thursday, August 22nd we learned more details and real-world experiences about the Jobspeaker implementation and successes focused on:
(Recorded 2024.08.22)
Are your staff equipped with a comprehensive plan or framework to effectively discuss the benefits of pre-apprenticeships and RAs with employers?
The Supply Chain Automation Hub and partners Sinclair Community College and Warren County Career Center share their field experiences and insights to help your program secure employer participation and commitment.
This webinar highlights effective tactics, resources, and strategies to increase employer involvement in Apprenticeship program planning and outline a robust employer engagement strategy to build lasting community partnerships.
(Recorded 2024.08.15)
(Recorded 2024.06.27)
Adult Education and Learning Opportunities / Access, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (ADEIB) – Promising Practices and Needs Discussion with Members
NCATC is holding the Q1-2024 – Quarterly Drop-In which focuses on one of the four Strategic Pillars of Success: Adult Education and Learning Opportunities / Access, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (ADEIB) – Promising Practices and Needs Discussion with Members.
This session features three of NCATC Board Directors highlighting recent best practices shared in the Q1-24 NCATC Digital Newsletter Vol. 25, No.1 – released on March 20, 2024.
This peer-to-peer conversation is intended to build a stronger community of thought leaders in this NCATC Pillar.
(Recorded on 2024.03.28)
Competency-Based Education (CBE) and Industry-Recognized Credentials (IRCs) for Workforce Development Programs
The Q4-23 Member Drop-In is focused on NCATC Strategic Pillar 3: Competency-Based Education (CBE) and Industry-Recognized Credentials (IRCs) for Workforce Development Programs – promising practices and additional needs of our members.
Our time together was with four NCATC Board Directors getting the conversation started by briefly highlighting each of their recent best practices articles form the Q4-23 NCATC Digital Newsletter, Vol. 24, No.4 – released on December 12th. Look for it in your inbox or on the NCATC website under “Newsletters”.
This is peer-to-peer, free flowing conversation of sharing, listening, learning, asking questions and building a stronger community around this focus area.
(Recorded: 2023.12.14)
NCATC Q3-23 - Quarterly Member Drop-In focused on one of the 4 Strategic Focus Areas or Pillars.
Our third Member Drop-In this year focused on NCATC Pillar 1: Future of Workforce: Industry 4.0/x.0, Advanced Technology, Smart Automation & Manufacturing – Promising Practices and Needs Discussion with Members.
Our time together was with four NCATC Board Directors getting the conversation started by briefly highlighting each of their recent best practices articles form the Q3-23 NCATC Digital Newsletter Vol. 24, No.3 – released on October 02, 2023. Look for it in your inbox or on the NCATC website under “Newsletters”.
It was peer-to-peer, free flowing conversation of sharing, listening, learning, asking questions and building a stronger community around this focus area.
The goal is to sustain these problem-solving ideas, relationships built, and conversations beyond our 60-minutes together during our Member Drop-In.
(Recorded 2023.10.19)
Work-Based Learning, Apprenticeships, and Entrepreneurship in Workforce Development
NCATC wants to continue engaging more deeply with our members via our Quarterly Member Drop-Ins that focus on one of NCATC’s 4 Strategic Pillars, each quarter.
The Q2-23 Member Drop-In focuses on NCATC Strategic Pillar 2: Work-Based Learning: Apprenticeships and More for Workforce Development Programs – best practices and additional needs of our members.
Our time together was with four of NCATC Board Directors getting the conversation started by briefly highlighting each of their recent best practices articles from the Q2-23 NCATC eNewletter, Vol. 24, No.2 – released on June 22nd. Look for it in your inbox or on the NCATC website under “Newsletters”.
This is peer-to-peer, free flowing conversation of sharing, listening, learning, asking questions and building a stronger community around this focus area. The goal will be to sustain these problem-solving ideas, relationships built, and conversations beyond our 60-minutes together during our Member Drop-In.
(Recorded 2023.06.29)
NCATC continues to vigorously support and promote the great work and successes from our EDU members like Lone Star College in Houston, TX piloting, growing, and proving success with the GradCast solution across the US.
Learn more details and real-world experiences about the GradCast and Lone Star College implementation and successes focused on:
(Recorded 2023.04.19)
Adult Education Grounded with Access, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belongingness (ADEIB) for All
NCATC wants to engage more deeply with our members via our newly launched Member Drop-Ins. Each of these quarterly events focuses on one of NCATC’s 4 Strategic Pillars.
The Q1-23 Member Drop-In focuses on NCATC Strategic Pillar 4: Adult Education Grounded with Access, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belongingness (ADEIB) for All – promising practices and additional needs of our members.
Our time together was with three NCATC Board Directors getting the conversation started by briefly highlighting each of their recent best practices articles from this newsletter.
This is peer-to-peer, free-flowing conversation of sharing, listening, learning, asking questions, and building a stronger community around this focus area.
(Recorded: 2023.03.30)
The Q4-22 Member Drop-In will focus on NCATC Strategic Pillar 3: Competency-Based Education (CBE) and Industry-Recognized Credentials (IRCs) for Workforce Development Programs – promising practices and additional needs of our members.
Our time together will be with four of NCATC Board Directors getting the conversation started by briefly highlighting each of their recent best practices articles form the Q4-22 NCATC eNewletter, Vol. 23, No.4 – released on December 12th. Look for it in your inbox or on the NCATC website under “Newsletters”.
At a minimum, 40 minutes will be peer-to-peer, free flowing conversation of sharing, listening, learning, asking questions and building a stronger community around this focus area.
(Recorded 12.15.22)
The Future of Work is already here – and it’s cross-disciplinary. In this webinar, hear about groundbreaking new research that shows how CTE programs across the U.S. are responding to fast-moving changes in employer demand for skilled technical workers. Skills such as cloud computing and robotics, which used to be the province of mid-level employees, are now increasingly demanded of frontline workers.
Get a sneak peek at a new Cross-Disciplinary STEM Core Framework and accompanying toolkit and instructional resources that can help you roll up your sleeves and get started. Then, find out how new federal Digital Equity Act and other infrastructure funding will send billions of dollars to your state to support digital skill-building and broadband workforce development.
Find out how you can engage in the upcoming State Planning process required for these new federal dollars.
(Recorded 12.01.22)
Fresh from the first in-person NCATC Fall Conference in three years, September 21-23, 2022 – the Q3-22 Member Drop-In will focus on NCATC Strategic Pillar 1: Future of Work | Industry 4.0 for Workforce Development Programs – best practices and additional needs of our members.
Our time together will be with four of NCATC Board Directors getting the conversation started by briefly highlighting each of their recent best practices articles form the Q3-22 NCATC eNewletter, Vol. 23, No.3 – released on September 19th. Look for it in your inbox or on the NCATC website under “Newsletters”.
At a minimum, 40 minutes will be peer-to-peer, free flowing conversation of sharing, listening, learning, asking questions and building a stronger community around this focus area.
The goal will be to sustain these problem-solving ideas, relationships built, and conversations beyond our 60-minutes together during our Member Drop-In.
(Recorded 09.29.22)
The pandemic has greatly sped up the adoption of technology across industries and occupations. As CTE programs adapt to changing employer demands, hard data and recommended practices are vital. In this webinar, get an overview of research from the nonprofit National Skills Coalition that explores workers' digital skills and limitations; see examples of how digital skills are showing up in roles from logistics to healthcare and beyond; and find out about new federal funding coming to every state in 2023 via the Digital Equity Act.
(Recorded 08.25.22)
NCATC wants to engage more deeply with our members via our newly launched Member Drop-Ins that focus on one of NCATC’s 4 Strategic Pillars, each quarter.
Fresh from our meetings in DC with AACC, US DOL and the Swiss Embassy on Expanding Community College Apprenticeships (ECCA) the end of May 2022 – the Q2-22 Member Drop-In will focus on NCATC Strategic Pillar 2: Work-Based Learning: Apprenticeships and More for Workforce Development Programs – best practices and additional needs of our members.
Our time together will be with four of NCATC Board Directors getting the conversation started by briefly highlighting each of their recent best practices articles from the Q2-22 NCATC eNewletter, Vol. 23, No.2 – released on June 15th. Look for it in your inbox or on the NCATC website under “Newsletters”.
At a minimum, 40 minutes will be peer-to-peer, free flowing conversation of sharing, listening, learning, asking questions and building a stronger community around this focus area. Bring your “What I Have” and/or “What I Need” mindset to share. The goal will be to sustain these problem-solving ideas, relationships built, and conversations beyond our 60-minutes together during our Member Drop-In.
(Recorded 06.23.22)
AACC, through the ECCA initiative, is focusing on increasing diversity by focusing registered apprenticeship programs to be more accessible to women and minorities. Progress has been incorporated with minority workers, but the share of women apprentices remains low, despite the fact that 57% of community college enrollees are women and 55% are from minority populations. As with any new community college initiative of large magnitude and complexity, building in a feedback model to assess and evaluate progress throughout the development, implementation, and maintenance of a registered apprenticeship program is crucial.
(04.27.22 Recording)
When implementing a successful community college registered apprenticeship program, assessing your college’s readiness is a must. Planning a new registered apprenticeship program initiative at a community college requires a systematic assessment plan, investigating both internal and external assets. This assessment should focus on a college’s internal capacity, institutional support, employer partner awareness and interest, employer partner support, labor market capacity, and sustainability.
(04.26.22 Recording)
From large Industry based organizations to Mom-and-pop shops, it has been acknowledged that Data is the new oil that will influence the world of Smart Manufacturing, therefore, it is of the utmost importance that we define and implement tangible Smart Methods of technology onto the factory floor that will empower not only the operator and maintenance team…. but also, the CEO!
The following topics of technology will be demystified:
If you are a Manufacturer, Educator, or enthusiastic Digital Transformation professional, we invite you to be present as we reveal tangible Smart Manufacturing competencies, as well as industrial Use cases that will transform and elevate a strong Manufacturing facility or a Mechatronics program into a data friendly environment that breeds the best talent and results. Goals of Panel: Quickly establish I4.0 relevance to the Smart Manufacturing arena as well as define where we are in the journey.
(04.21.22 Recording)
The COVID-19 pandemic illustrated a critical need for leaders to digitalize learning, and what’s more, to do it in a way that unlocks greater levels of engagement and effectiveness in learning. Join Core Learning Exchange and publishing partners Almon and uniteSTEM, Inc. to discover:
Download the Core-LX Catalog here
(04.14.2022 Recording)
NCATC is launching a NEW Quarterly Member Drop-In that will focus on one of the 4 Strategic Focus Areas or Pillars.
Our very first Member Drop-In will focus on NCATC Pillar 4: Access, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Recruiting and Retention for Workforce Development Programs – Best Practices and Gaps.
Our time together will be facilitated by three of NCATC Board Directors getting the conversation started by briefly highlighting each of their recent best practices articles form the Q1-22 NCATC eNewletter, Vol. 23, No.1. Find it in your inbox or on the NCATC website under “Newsletters”.
Then, at least 30 minutes will be peer-to-peer, free flowing conversation of sharing, listening, learning, asking questions and building a stronger community around this focus area. Bring your “What I Have” and/or “What I Need” mindset to share. The goal will be to sustain these problem-solving ideas, relationships built, and conversations beyond our 60-minutes together during the Member Drop-In.
(03.31.2022 Recording - First NCATC Membership Drop-In)
Gisbert Ledvon discusses manufacturing industry challenges on how to find new talents and how HEIDENHAIN can help your school. You will learn about new training tools helping you to become the “go to school” for the next generation of manufacturing professionals.
(03.15.22 Recording)
MSSC and Amatrol encourages NCATC members to learn more about the new MSSC CT-SCA Certification System. The end-goal is to provide a pipeline of much-needed automation technicians for distribution and fulfillment centers and warehousing operations. These automation technicians will be critical to ensure that supply chain operations are technologically competitive, can meet industry and customer needs, and keep-up with e-commerce demands.
(02.24.2022 Recording)
During this webinar, you will learn:
(02.10.2022 Recording)
In this interactive webinar, you’ll experience how education and industry are accelerating knowledge transfer, retention, and time to proficiency with augmented and virtual reality and 3D simulations.
Discover how teachers, students, and industry are quickly implementing 3D, AR & VR for career technical education and workforce development. The world is rapidly moving from 2D to 3D and providing new opportunities and efficiencies in education, training, virtual collaboration, remote field service, and predictive maintenance.
Watch as NCATC Strategic Partners will share a path to implement and fund a successful entry into AR & VR and to quickly and organically build and engage with 3D content and immersive learning.
(12.09.2021 Recording)
(10.14.21 Recording)
The White House and Congress are developing policies to increase U.S. advanced manufacturing to improve supply chain preparedness through public-private partnerships and provide more family-sustaining careers for Americans. From where will they recruit the thousands of manufacturers needed to achieve these goals? Who will train the employees? How will the government fund these initiatives?
Washington, D.C.-based lobbyist Omar S. Nashashibi with The Franklin Partnership represents manufacturing trade associations in the nation’s capital and will provide an insider’s view into what NCATC members can expect from the government’s actions, how trade groups can work together, and the importance of having your voice heard as policymakers create new laws and rules affecting advanced manufacturing and technologies in the U.S.
Joining Omar, is Jeffrey Connor-Naylor, Director at Business Leaders United (BLU) supported by the National Skills Coalition to amplify the advocacy, policy, and equitable recovery work that is currently happening across the ecosystem – with a focus on advanced technology and manufacturing.
From this webinar you will learn about:
• A brief history of additive manufacturing and 3D printing
• The global importance of the newer technology of additive manufacturing
• The need for standards in an industry that grows up from multiple grass root entrepreneurs
• A look at the standards developed for additive manufacturing
• How the certification will change the industry
• How you can help - a call to action for additional pilot testing and/or implementation
• Q&A Session included.
NCATC is excited to launch a new strategic partnership with the National Skills Coalition (NSC) this year to combine our collective expertise, passion, and national leadership for continuous improvements in workforce development and career and technical education.
In this interactive webinar, you’ll experience how 2020 became the tipping point for a more intentional approach to addressing these issues in career-technical education. Discover how educators and industry partners have implemented Access, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policies for career technical education and workforce development that result in better-engaged learners, regardless of racial, economic, or social backgrounds.
Watch as NCATC strategic partners share their best practices on local, state, and federal policies to improve your programs and engage a much broader audience in today's virtual world.
In this interactive webinar, you’ll experience how 2020 became the tipping point for a more intentional approach to addressing these issues in career-technical education. Discover how educators and industry partners have implemented Access, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion best practices for career technical education and workforce development that result in better-engaged learners, regardless of racial, economic, or social backgrounds.
Sponsored by Jobspeaker
Discussion on ADEI Data Collection & Analysis
Discussion on ADEI Funding & Policies
This webinar highlights NCATC member colleges and industry partners collaborating to improve access to high quality, safely delivered advanced technology, hands-on training in labs amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sponsored by EASE
This webinar highlights NCATC member colleges and industry partners collaborating on best practices of attracting students and faculty to high quality, safely delivered advanced technology related career & technical education (CTE) hands-on training amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sponsored by the National Tooling and Machining Association (NTMA)
In this dynamic webinar, you’ll experience the cutting-edge strategies to connect and engage in a virtual environment with both teachers and students. NCATC member colleges and strategic partners will share the best practices forged on the journey from just surviving to truly thriving in our ever-changing world. Discover what it takes to deliver a meaningful virtual interaction, communicate effectively, and truly engage your audience in the new norms of remote instruction for high quality, safely delivered, advanced technology related career & technical education (CTE) hands-on training amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sponsored by ZEISS
In this interactive webinar, you’ll experience how 2020 has become the tipping point for augmented and virtual reality. The ease and affordability to implement and scale have quickly moved AR & VR from novelty to necessity.
Discover how teachers, students, and industry have implemented immersive tools for career technical education and workforce development to better engage learners, regardless of time or geography.
Watch our webinar with our Strategic Partner, Robert C. Byrd Institute and EDU Member, Pellissippi State Community College, to learn how RBCI's DOL funded
Apprenticeship Works program partners with community colleges to build our country's workforce.
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